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Decorative Banner with the ArtsMarket 2025 Logo and the wording: North Carolina Presenters Consortium, November 3-5, 2025 | Durham, NC

ArtsMarket 2025 Showcase Accessibility

The North Carolina Presenters Consortium and North Carolina Arts Council are committed to providing opportunities and removing barriers to enable performing artists with disabilities to participate at ArtsMarket. If you have questions or need an accommodation for your showcase, please contact Sharon Moore (Conference Coordinator) at

ArtsMarket 2025 Showcase Terms & Conditions

Applications to showcase at the ArtsMarket 2025 conference will be accepted until 5:00 PM (EST) on Friday, April 25, 2025.  Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will not be considered.  All applicants must pay a non-refundable fee of $50 per application, which is required by credit card at the time of submission. 

If selected for an in-person live showcase, in addition to the already paid application fee, artists must:

  • Pay Production Fee:
      • Mainstage showcases: pay a $250 production fee 
      • TYA Showcases: pay a $150 production fee
      • Video Spotlights: pay a $100 production fee
  • Be available on Monday, November 3, Tuesday, November 4, and/or Wednesday, November 5 to perform in Durham, NC. Showcase times are assigned by conference management, based on performance technical needs. Special requests will be considered but accommodation is not guaranteed. 
  • Artists showcasing must be available for their entire scheduled block, as showcases may run early or late. They should be prepared to perform accordingly.
  • Register as an exhibitor for the conference or be represented at the conference by an agent or manager. Registration will open in July and full details will be posted at as well as emailed to artists and their representatives.
  • Complete and return the showcase contract and technical production form by the deadline indicated in the notification.

ArtsMarket does not facilitate independent showcases. Independent showcases are prohibited from being arranged or scheduled at any time concurrent with official conference activities and are not permitted in any space on the Carolina Theatre, Durham Marriott, or Durham Convention Center premises at any time during the three days of the conference.

Membership in the North Carolina Presenters Consortium is not required to attend, showcase, or otherwise participate in ArtsMarket.

ArtsMarket reserves the right to use showcase artists’ submitted images and content for the promotion of NC Presenters Consortium, North Carolina Arts Council, and the ArtsMarket conference.

This application does not represent a commitment by ArtsMarket, NC Presenters Consortium, or the North Carolina Arts Council to provide a showcase.

The North Carolina Presenters Consortium or the North Carolina Arts Council assumes no responsibility for costs associated with showcasing, including travel, meals, or accommodations.

Showcase Options:

  1. Main Stage or Virtual Spotlight Video (choose this if you are applying for both)

  2. Main Stage Showcase ONLY (choose this if you want to apply for an in-person main stage showcase only)

  3. Virtual Spotlight Video ONLY (choose this if you cannot attend and want to be considered for a virtual video ONLY)

  4. Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) Showcase (choose this if you would like to be considered for our TYA Showcase ONLY)

  5. Open Option (choose this if you would like to be considered for all three types of showcases - mainstage, virtual, TYA)

    Apply Now to showcase at ArtsMarket 2025!

    Application Period runs from February 7th, 2025 to April 25th, 2025 at 5pm EST


    Carolina Theatre of Durham

    audio and light

    The Clayton Center

    alphagraphics | Downtown Raleigh

    Wortham Center for the Performing Arts

    Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts



    Cain Center for the Arts

    BiCoastal Productions

    Wilson Center | Cape Fear Community College

    CoMMA Performing Arts Center
    Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts
    Sumter Opera House

    UNCW Kenan Auditorium

    Sampson CenterStage

    Siegel Artist Management

    The Virginia Somerville Sutton Theatre Well-Spring Retirement Community

    John Brown Music Group

    Admire Entertainment

    Harmony Artists 50 Years

    CAMI | Music

    Steve's Live Music Logo

    Loyd Artists


    NC Arts Council

    South Arts

    National Endowment for the Arts

    Our State Magazine

    Arts North Carolina


    Debbie Dunn

    Steven Langston

    Noelle Rhodes Scott

    Joey Bennett

    David Briggs, honored by Joey Bennett

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